Registration & Payment Guide
Please follow the steps to register for classes on our website before proceeding to your SUFS EMA portal. Be sure to select "Manual Payment" at checkout & leave us an order note that says "SUFS" or "PEP." Then follow the steps below to allocate funds appropriately to Class Source, based on the classes you have registered for.
1. When logged in to your SUFS EMA portal, click on the Marketplace tab, then select "Find Providers."
2. In the search bar, type in, "Areyvut AJELC," and click Search.
Areyvut AJELC
3. Click on Areyvut AJELC. Select the Davie Location (the only one) to see the list of services & classes.
4. Scroll down to the current school year offerings and add "Application Fee" to your cart. This corresponds to the Areyvut AJELC Registration Fee. Add one per student per academic year.
5. Add the appropriate Registration Fees for each of the classes you are taking.
There are options for classes that meet 1 day per week, classes that meet two days per week, and the vocational classes. The Registration Fee is 20% of the class cost, and will hold your seat in the class. This corresponds to the required deposit for those paying out-of-pocket.
6. Check your course syllabi to see whether they mention any supply fees or lab fees for the course. Those fees can also be added to your EMA portal to pay through SUFS.
Add whichever supply / lab fees correspond to those on your course syllabi. The rest of your tuition cost will be billed quarterly as your student receives funds each quarter through SUFS. The quarterly billing can be just as easily found in the EMA portal; you will select the option(s) that corresponds to your invoice.