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Areyvut founder Odeliya Glaser, a veteran homeschool mom, was homeschooling her children in New York for the elementary years. It was challenging at times—resources were limited, and social opportunities with other homeschool families were at a minimum. Creating her own unique family’s “homeschool playbook” was challenging and eye opening. There was nothing in place for consistent daily support, including parent training and community involvement. 

After moving to Florida in 2019, Odeliya found a strong online Jewish homeschool community in the South Florida region where she joined a weekly meetup at a farm in Broward County that catered Jewish activities to preschool-aged kids. Although older kids were welcome, there was no formal program for them. Areyvut was born out of the need to support children and their parents in a non-typical school within an alternative educational setting. Odeliya and her co-founder, Ahava McLaughlin, created a framework for regular programming to benefit all ages in the South Florida Jewish community.

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Co-Founder, President & Mom

Ahava is a Traditional Holistic Practitioner who helps families across the nation address allergies, gut dysbiosis as well as co-infections. She has always had an affinity for homeschooling as it aligns with her holistic view on life. When her eldest was little, she taught him from home how to read at age 3 and how to do math through fun and play. She now homeschools 2 out of her 3 children. Ahava is a big proponent of reading aloud to children of all ages and that it should never stop. Learning should be fun and can begin by curling up together with a good book.

When 2020 rocked the world, her eldest daughter struggled with the isolation that ensued. She found an agricultural space where her kids could thrive outdoors. Many families joined for weekly farm animal life interactions and spaces for explorative and sensory play. This is where she met Odelia and the other founding families. Areyvut was soon born and brought to the next level in 2021. 

Ahava is the Curriculum Director at Areyvut and has extensive knowledge to help families navigate and choose the right curriculum for each child. She is a founding Board Member and is involved with the day-to-day operations of homeschooling at Areyvut’s agricultural Learning Center.


Onboard Welcoming Committee, Volunteer Coordinator, PR

Shoshana feels lucky to become a mother later in life, as it gave her the opportunity to do a lot of research regarding discipline, education, health and nurturing of a child. She knew she was looking for something different than the traditional babysitter/school system. She believe children deserve and need much more than that. Shoshana wanted to be a part of her son's growth and development every step of the way. She feels very privileged to be able to give her son this lifestyle. Her love for the outdoors, sunshine, fresh air and hands-on learning has perfectly integrated into the farm learning center, where members can be a community and family of like-minded people who believe in nature, respecting children and following their lead. As Shoshana puts it, "A place where I never has to tell her son 'don’t touch' or 'sit down'; instead I say 'touch gently' and 'come sit next to me.'"

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Secretary, Homeschool Ambassador, Educator, 

As a homeschool mom for the past five years, Sarah inspires and helps caregivers and teachers with activities and other ideas to optimize learning. Sarah's favorite method is unschooling as it gives her the freedom to respect each of her children's preferred learning style, pace and interests. They internalize the information through sensory, hands-on activities and plenty of play. 

You can follow Sarah for tips on Instagram at @sarahhomeplay.

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​Board of Directors, Fundraising, Director of Operations

As a city mom Alexandra always imagined her kids would be educated in some alternative, progressive schools, but as life would have it they were hurled into homeschooling and never looked back. The term itself doesn’t do justice to the amazing experiences they’ve had as a family, being able to actually live and grow and learn together, which is nothing like “schooling” at all.

As Alexandra's oldest child never could quite stomach the unnatural separation of mother and child, they struggled to fit into societal expectations. Although it’s been a journey of self-realization, they’ve always been destined to be where they are today, learning and growing together. Parents play many roles in their children’s lives, and for Alexandra, nothing could be more natural than to also be their primary educator and advocate. Who else would be more invested into their success, joy and health?

She is excited to be raising her three amazing children in Florida, among a community of parents who care so deeply about their connection to their children as much as she does. As Aristotle said, “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."

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Board of Directors, Membership Director, Educator

Devory fell into her homeschooling journey in 2008, when her older kids were all under the age of five. Initially, the reasons were more practical than ideological. The local preschools, lovely as they seemed, just couldn’t offer anything to rival the rich, multi sensorial experience Devory realized was possible if she stepped outside the box. Within weeks, she saw that kids could truly thrive outside of traditional school. 

Looking back, Devory feels grateful for those sweet early years, and the raw, deep connection and joyful learning that happened almost effortlessly. Learning and life were entwined with each other. They played a whole lot. Her kids made mud pies and art, music and messes... lots of them! Together they read books on the weekly Torah portion, Jewish holidays, American history and bedtime classics while snuggled on the couch. Every day they explored the breathtaking wonders of G-d, whether it was stepping waist high through a pristine cypress swamp in the Everglades, netting crabs at the beach, climbing majestic live oaks at the park, identifying native plants or watching newly hatched butterflies take flight. Her children’s innate talents, personalities and strengths emerged more and more as time passed. Devory cherishes the friends she made along the way, relationships that made every experience richer and more meaningful. 

Eventually, Devory saw her children move on to Jewish day schools and new opportunities for growth and discovery, and she tries to support them on their unique journeys in a fast changing world. Today she is grateful to be continuing to homeschool her two younger children with Areyvut, a beautiful, diverse community of passionate Jewish parents and children who are devoted to growing alongside their kids and making the world a better place as they do. As Devory says, "Childhood is fleeting, and every moment spent together is a gift."









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